Saturday, May 14, 2011

Episode 2


It's episode 2 of The Walking Dorks, and it starts off with breakfast treats, and David blowing his stack.

John talks about Garth Ennis' The Boys, the hyper-violent first collection, Simon Pegg, and a hefty price-tag.

David brings us Fell: Feral City, a comic about Three's Company star Norman Fell. Not really, it's an odd cop caper by Warren Ellis.

Travis tells us all about Ultimate Spider-Man Volume 9, featuring the Ultimate Six, and snappy dialog from one Brian Michael Bendis.

Then the dorks talk about the saturation of comic book movies, and tangent into why David has a fear of Ewoks.

Finally, a simple overview of Stan Lee turns into an argument about the validity of comics as a form of literature.

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